Friday 5 December 2014

5 Richest Artist in The World

It was common when a person becomes an artist's then they will get excess wealth. By being famous then automatically the money will come to him. With more and more well-known artists, the higher the market price and the higher its wealth. So even perceived 5 artists this world, they are 5 artist with the highest wealth around the world. Who they are ? here it is.

5 richest artist in the world 2014
5 richest artist in the world
 1. Madonna
The first artist of the world's most wealthy is Madonna. She has income for 2014 about $ 124.8 million. Madonna is known as a musician in Hollywood. Not many women like Madonna who can reach that wealth like that. Successful tour in 2013 brought him becomes the world's richest artist.

2. Steven Spielberg
The second richest artist in the world is Steven Spielberg. He is regarded as one of the best in the business because he has given some mega hit Hollywood movies for the industry. Steven Spielberg produces millions every year, but he was the best 2 in this case in 2013 when he received $ 100.2 million.

3. Simon Cowell
The third richest artist in the world dalah Simon Cowell. Artists are famous because of the show X-Factor and Got Talent has a total income of $ 95.6 million. In addition, Simon is the one who often orbit the world's great artists like one direction. Simon rose 2 ranking in the ranks of the richest artist in the world, where in 2013 he was in fifth position, while this year he was in third position

4. E.L James
EL James is the fourth richest artist in the world. 50-year-old woman has become one of the new billionaires figure among celebrities after his novel "Fifty Shades of Grey" became one of the best-selling literature sold in the year 2013. Success in publishing this phenomenal novel makes it able to reap more than 95 million US dollars in just one year. Fifty Shades of Grey which is an erotic novel for this lady sold more than 70 million copies both in print and digital versions. Worth waiting for, whether E.L. James is able to maintain the stability of this success to the years to come.

5. Howard Stern
The fifth richest artist in the world is Howard Stern. Howard Stern is known with "kribo" hair is not only known as one of the most successful radio announcer, but also a well-known producer of television programs in the world. With a wealth as much as $ 95 million

Howard Stern is now 60 years old, and probably in Indonesia, he is known as one of the judges America's Got Talent show. Given the experience that has been poor across the entertainment industry, it is natural if Howard Stern is able to accumulate so much wealth.

How do according to readers about 5 richest artist in the world ? Their Income fantastic, isn`t it ?

Creatif By : Unknown | 5-Lima Blog

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